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29 March, 2012
With a seasonal spotlight on asparagus: it's a sure sign of spring!
28 March, 2012
26 March, 2012
Even more choices for their home buyers in 2012.
25 March, 2012
Haven't signed up to play? Don't fret, there's a special points challenge this week to help you catch up.
23 March, 2012
Whether it is a book, an advertisement, a TV commercial, a persuasive email, a feature length film or a short film, if you want to communicate effectively, you have to be able to tell a story.
19 March, 2012
David Weekley team as open, caring, and focused AFTER the contract was signed as they were before
17 March, 2012
If yes, you could just win a Buddy Scooter of your own!
15 March, 2012
There's a New Phenomenon in Town
12 March, 2012
Jim Talbott, Lead Builder with David Weekley Homes, feels like a member of the family.
As a candidate, what's next on the list of tasks? Read on to find out!
08 March, 2012
Chatham Chef Challenge Brings Healthier School Lunches to Students
05 March, 2012
... and your first mission, should you choose to accept it ...
Each home is unique to each homebuyer.
01 March, 2012
Being Briar Chapel's Best Buddy Could Have Great Rewards!
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