09 April . 2012
Briar Chapel Best Buddy Contest - The Final Stretch
By Jami Pearson
Marketing Coordinator
You made it, best buddies! After weeks of hard work, you’re finally in the last stretch of the contest. Nice job! There have been so many great pictures, tweets, videos and posts, so I want to take a second to thank each and every participant. It means so much to us that you love Briar Chapel and what we stand for enough to take the time to perform these tasks. Even more substantial is the fact that this contest is rooted in something much deeper than simply winning a scooter – Your efforts have helped to draw additional and much needed attention to the concept of living a green and sustainable lifestyle, which is a core value that influences everything within this community. THANK YOU!
Now that that’s been covered, I’m sure you’re anxious to know what your final tasks are. Without further ado….
- With the Briar Chapel Earth Day event less than 2 weeks away, let us know via Twitter what you’re most looking forward to about it. – 5 points
- Briar Chapel excluded, what’s your favorite way and place to be active while experiencing the great outdoors in the Triangle? Let us know on our Facebook page! – 10 points
- Since we’re in the final week, write on our Facebook page and let us know what you’ve enjoyed most about the Best Buddy Contest. – 10 points
Don’t forget! You get 200 extra points if you create an environmentally focused PSA and 50 points if you sign up for our 5k on Earth Day. Don’t delay! There are only a few days left.
Good luck, #bcBestBuddy participants!