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Lunchbox sandwich and container

01 August . 2017

Be a Lunch-Packing Pro



You may believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but what about lunch? Our Briar Chapel team believes in a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle that includes both active habits and good nutrition. So when your kids are at school, how do you pack healthy lunches that end up in their bellies – and not in the trash?


We’ve culled our five best tips for packing school lunches that are both delicious and nutritious!

Let your kids pick out a lunchbox they’ll be proud to tout!

Society has evolved from the old brown paper bag days. Now, kids have a variety of options that can fit their personalities, and a lunchbox could be their favorite item on the back-to-school shopping list! It could be out of this world, easy to pack or even personalized with your kid’s initials (making it harder for them to lose it, as a bonus).

Plan ahead for the week and prepare the lunch the previous night.

Save yourself a few trips to the grocery store and plan the lunches with other meals. If you’re not a morning person, go ahead and prepare the lunches the night before; after all, you may need that time for your coffee to take effect.

fruit, cheese, bagels lunch

Be creative with your food!

You don’t have to plate it like a pro, but for kids and adults alike, food presentation is an important factor in preparing any meal. Branch out from the typical sandwich by fixing something as simple as food on a stick or DIY lunchables. Be sure to keep dinner plans in mind to eliminate repeats.

Don’t over pack or try too hard for gourmet lunches.

Let’s face it. You’re not going to have time to make extensive cutout sandwiches every day, and there’s no need to overdo it if your child doesn’t actually like the food. Remember how much and what your child eats when they’re at home with you. After all, you don’t want them to spoil their dinner!

benito box type lunch

Have fun with it!

If you have extra time the night before, let your little one help make the lunch. Prep a snack station of parent-approved, kid-friendly snacks for them to choose, or let your kids use creative cutouts for the days you do want to send them a sandwich!

If you run out of ideas, don’t worry. Check out these 101 kid-friendly recipes, or peruse Pinterest for more great ideas!



tags: Helpful Tips

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