22 October . 2012
McIntyre's Books - So Much More Than a Bookstore
Jami Pearson
Marketing & Event Coordinator
Let me preface this article by saying, outright, for everyone to read, that I am a bookstore junkie. Am I equally as enthralled with the actual act of reading? Not so much. Don’t get me wrong, I love to read, and have spent countless hours curled up and away from reality with a good hard-back. Oh yes, those are the books that I spend hours scouring shelves trying to discover, which brings me full-circle and back to my love of bookstores. There’s just something about them that makes me blissfully and unabashedly happy, transcending my love of reading. |
Naturally, it’s this love that motivated me to visit McIntyre’s Books, an independent bookstore located in Fearrington Village. Summed up in three words – cozy and picturesque – its English library décor is what most bookstores wish they could accomplish. In fact, I half-expected to see Kathleen Kelly, Meg Ryan’s bookstore owning character from the movie You’ve Got Mail, stocking the shelves. With a fireplace, comfy upholstered chairs and nichey side rooms scattered throughout, I’m disappointed that I didn’t discover this place sooner. Not only does its fiction and non-fiction selection rival that of larger chains, but it’s worth noting that McIntyre’s also offers a fantastic amount of work by local authors and has extensive mystery, cooking and gardening sections. |
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, I stumbled across, get this, a reading room. Properly set-up with a podium along with row upon row of chairs, renowned and local authors alike have spoken here. How did I, for so long, remain unaware that the likes of Richard Russo and Jimmy Carter were making appearances just down the road?! With one of the largest author and poet event programs in the South, McIntyre’s has cultivated a truly phenomenal and well-rounded haven for book (and bookstore) enthusiasts. |
McIntyre's Books
220 Market Street, Fearrington Village
Pittsboro, NC 27312